Self-Help Bakery in Kwa-Zulu Natal

Operation Hunger has established a Self-help Bakery located inHammarsdale Kwa-Zulu Natal.The kitchen kicked off with a bang as the ladies display their delicious confectionaries which are sold in the community. Over Seen by KZN Regional Coordinator, Bheki Zuma, Operation Hunger is happy striding forward and helping the ladies with the project which develops the communities and aides them to become self-sufficient which is the considered the best solution for the disadvantaged and malnourished communities in South Africa as many donors wish to create a lasting effect for these people rather than just a stopgap solution, as the saying goes; “Give a man a fish and you may feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and you may feed him for a lifetime.”

Thank you to all the volunteers and donors for the support! Remember that establishing sustainability is key to ending world hunger and malnourishment.
